
Retrofitting / conversion / accessories Retrofit, cornering light ماشین bmw 1

سال تولید: 2017
کد مدل: 84f1a8c17474d09745fd6a5f5aaa9932
مدل: 125i B48
کد موتور:
نوع موتور: B48
شماره قطعه: 63132288285
نام قطعه: BMW cornering light
F2X, F3X
For vehicles with "Fog lights" (S520A = yes)
"Adaptive Headlights" (S524A = no)
QTY: 1

Weight: 0.124
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 63132358310
نام قطعه: BMW LED fog light, cornering light
F2X, F3X
For vehicles with "Fog lights" (S520A = yes)
"Adaptive Headlights" (S524A = no)
QTY: 1

Weight: 1.900
Old number: ?

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