
Vehicle electrical system Main silencer line, headunit ماشین bmw 3

سال تولید: 2012
کد مدل: f449f670c9ddf6e4f8f8f279ed7d80d1
مدل: 320i
کد موتور:
نوع موتور: N20
شماره قطعه: 61119340212
نام قطعه: Rep.module Teleservices
For vehicles with "TV function" (S601A = yes)
"Navigation system Professional" (S609A = yes)
"Teleservices" (S6AEA = yes)
"Connection Bluetooth + USB devices incl." (S6NLA = yes)
"Comfort telephony w/ enhanced Smartphone" (S6NSA = yes)
QTY: 1
Contains following connections: "A42*23B headunit to A231*2B"
"Telematic Communication Box"
Recond. number: ?
Replaceablitity: Retroactively replaceable
Weight: 0.573
Old number: 61119278977,?

شماره قطعه: 61119278977
نام قطعه: Rep.module Teleservices
For vehicles with "TV function" (S601A = yes)
"Navigation system Professional" (S609A = yes)
"Teleservices" (S6AEA = yes)
"Connection Bluetooth + USB devices incl." (S6NLA = yes)
"Comfort telephony w/ enhanced Smartphone" (S6NSA = no)
For vehicles to 07.2015
QTY: 1
Contains following connections: "A42*23B headunit to A231*2B"
"Telematic Communication Box"
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 0.580
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 61119230792
نام قطعه: HSD line
QTY: 1
Contains following connections: "Headunit A4211B to Aux socket X32B"
"and headunit A421B to plug conn. X161B"
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 0.300
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 61119278991
نام قطعه: Repair module, Audio player
For vehicles with "TV function" (S601A = yes)
"Navigation system Professional" (S609A = yes)
"Music interface for Smartphone" (S6NFA = yes)
QTY: 1
Contains two main silencer lines "Contains following connections:"
"A42*21B headunit to X3*2B Aux"
"socket (L= 1935 mm) and"
"A42*22B headunit to X29*2B"
"base plate / eject box (L = 1755 mm)"
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 235.840
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 61119293462
نام قطعه: Rep.module AUX In / USB
For vehicles with "TV function" (S601A = yes)
"Navigation system Professional" (S609A = yes)
"Comfort telephony w/ enhanced Smartphone" (S6NSA = yes)
"CIC assignment" (S6VAA = no)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 256.560
Old number: ?

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