
Communication systems Telematics control unit Telematics control unit 5 ماشین bmw 4

سال تولید: 2014
کد مدل: 51b7ce00575724ebc762a78e2d66ead2
مدل: 428i
کد موتور:
نوع موتور: N20
شماره قطعه: 84109350662
نام قطعه: Telematics control unit
For vehicles with "National version China" (L8AAA = no)
"TV function" (S601A = no)
"Navigation system Business" (S606A = no)
"Navigation system Professional" (S609A = no)
"Teleservices" (S6AEA = yes)
"Control Infotainment" (S6VBA = no)
"Country control Hong Kong 04142" (S8LHA = no)
"Providersteuerung Telematik" (S8SXA = no)
"Important! Battery is not a component "
"part of the telematics communication "
"box and must, where necessary, be "
"ordered separately!"
For vehicles from 07.2013
For vehicles to 07.2014
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Replaceablitity: Retroactively replaceable
Weight: 0.000
Old number: 84109322940

شماره قطعه: 84109362848
نام قطعه: Telematics control unit
For vehicles with "National version Korea" (L802A = yes)
"Navigation system Professional" (S609A = no)
"Teleservices" (S6AEA = yes)
For vehicles from 07.2015
For vehicles to 07.2017
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Replaceablitity: Retroactively replaceable
Weight: 0.452
Old number: 84109350661

شماره قطعه: 84109350661
نام قطعه: Telematics control unit
For vehicles with "National version Japan" (L807A = no)
"National version China" (L8AAA = no)
"TV function" (S601A = yes)
"Navigation system Professional" (S609A = yes)
"Teleservices" (S6AEA = yes)
"Connection Bluetooth + USB devices incl." (S6NLA = no)
"CIC assignment" (S6VAA = no)
"Control Infotainment" (S6VBA = no)
"Country control Hong Kong 04142" (S8LHA = no)
"Providersteuerung Telematik" (S8SXA = no)
"Important! Battery is not a component "
"part of the telematics communication "
"box and must, where necessary, be "
"ordered separately!"
For vehicles to 07.2014
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Replaceablitity: Retroactively replaceable
Weight: 0.000
Old number: 84109322954,84109318585

شماره قطعه: 84106836756
نام قطعه: Telematics control unit
For vehicles with "National version China" (L8AAA = no)
"Teleservices" (S6AEA = yes)
"Statutory emergency call" (S6AFA = yes)
"WLAN Hotspot" (S6WDA = yes)
"Country control Brazil 00464" (S8LBA = no)
"Country control Hong Kong 04142" (S8LHA = no)
"Country control Russia 10323" (S8LRA = no)
"Providersteuerung Telematik" (S8SXA = no)
For vehicles to 07.2019
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Replaceablitity: Retroactively replaceable
Weight: 0.328
Old number: 84109395902

شماره قطعه: 84102447710
نام قطعه: Battery
For vehicles with "Teleservices" (S6AEA = yes)
"Statutory emergency call" (S6AFA = yes)
"Country control Russia 10323" (S8LRA = yes)
For vehicles from 07.2016
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Replaceablitity: Retroactively replaceable
Weight: 0.047
Old number: 84109361678

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