Vehicle trim Rear window shelf ماشین bmw 4
سال تولید: 2015
کد مدل: 9008250a2f49a92fb32ae3f82acfaca5
مدل: 428i
کد موتور:
نوع موتور: N20

شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Storage shelf, front
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/oyster" (CBDH = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCL9 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/sattel-braun/Excl. seam" (LCLX = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 1.210
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/oyster" (CBDH = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCL9 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/sattel-braun/Excl. seam" (LCLX = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 1.210
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Storage shelf, front
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Sensatec/veneto-beige" (KCDF = yes)
"Leather "Dakota/veneto-beige"" (LCDF = yes)
"Leather Dakota venetobeige/accent oyster" (LCFJ = yes)
"Leather Dakota/veneto-beige/Excl. seam" (LCLY = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 1.210
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Sensatec/veneto-beige" (KCDF = yes)
"Leather "Dakota/veneto-beige"" (LCDF = yes)
"Leather Dakota venetobeige/accent oyster" (LCFJ = yes)
"Leather Dakota/veneto-beige/Excl. seam" (LCLY = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 1.210
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Storage shelf, front
For vehicles with "Fabric Move/anthracite" (BDAT = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-grau" (BEL1 = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-rot" (BEL2 = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/anthracite" (CBAT = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/black" (CBOP = yes)
"Stofff corner/anthrazit/Akzent grau" (CCL1 = yes)
"Stofff corner/anthrazit/Akzent rot" (CCL2 = yes)
"Fabric Hexagon/Alcantara/anthracite" (HAAT = yes)
"Sensatec/black/accent red" (KCL3 = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSM = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSW = yes)
"Sensatec/veneto-beige" (KCV1 = yes)
"Leather "Dakota/elfenbein-weiss"" (LCEW = yes)
"Leath.Dakota/elfenbein-white/acc.oyster" (LCFH = yes)
"Leath.Dakota/veneto-beige/accent oyster" (LCFL = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/akzent-rot" (LCL3 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/korall-rot/akzent-schwarz" (LCL5 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/accent oyster dark" (LCL8 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/sattel-braun/Excl. seam" (LCLX = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/Exclusive seam" (LCLZ = yes)
"Leather Dakota / Mokka" (LCMY = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/contrast blue" (LCNL = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCOM = yes)
"Leather Dakota/cognac/accent brown" (LCRY = yes)
"Leather Dakota/cognac/accent brown" (LCRZ = yes)
"Leather "Dakota"/schwarz" (LCSW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/nacht-blue/accent oyster" (LCTX = yes)
"Leather Dakota venetobeige black" (LCV1 = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 1.210
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Fabric Move/anthracite" (BDAT = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-grau" (BEL1 = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-rot" (BEL2 = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/anthracite" (CBAT = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/black" (CBOP = yes)
"Stofff corner/anthrazit/Akzent grau" (CCL1 = yes)
"Stofff corner/anthrazit/Akzent rot" (CCL2 = yes)
"Fabric Hexagon/Alcantara/anthracite" (HAAT = yes)
"Sensatec/black/accent red" (KCL3 = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSM = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSW = yes)
"Sensatec/veneto-beige" (KCV1 = yes)
"Leather "Dakota/elfenbein-weiss"" (LCEW = yes)
"Leath.Dakota/elfenbein-white/acc.oyster" (LCFH = yes)
"Leath.Dakota/veneto-beige/accent oyster" (LCFL = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/akzent-rot" (LCL3 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/korall-rot/akzent-schwarz" (LCL5 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/accent oyster dark" (LCL8 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/sattel-braun/Excl. seam" (LCLX = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/Exclusive seam" (LCLZ = yes)
"Leather Dakota / Mokka" (LCMY = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/contrast blue" (LCNL = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCOM = yes)
"Leather Dakota/cognac/accent brown" (LCRY = yes)
"Leather Dakota/cognac/accent brown" (LCRZ = yes)
"Leather "Dakota"/schwarz" (LCSW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/nacht-blue/accent oyster" (LCTX = yes)
"Leather Dakota venetobeige black" (LCV1 = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 1.210
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Trim panel, railing left
For vehicles with "Fabric Hexagon/Alcantara/anthracite" (HAAT = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.293
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Fabric Hexagon/Alcantara/anthracite" (HAAT = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.293
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Trim panel, railing right
For vehicles with "Fabric Hexagon/Alcantara/anthracite" (HAAT = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.293
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Fabric Hexagon/Alcantara/anthracite" (HAAT = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.293
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Trim panel, railing left
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric Move/anthracite" (BDAT = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-grau" (BEL1 = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-rot" (BEL2 = yes)
"Sensatec/black/accent red" (KCL3 = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/akzent-rot" (LCL3 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/korall-rot/akzent-schwarz" (LCL5 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/Exclusive seam" (LCLZ = yes)
"Leather "Dakota"/schwarz" (LCSW = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.293
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric Move/anthracite" (BDAT = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-grau" (BEL1 = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-rot" (BEL2 = yes)
"Sensatec/black/accent red" (KCL3 = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/akzent-rot" (LCL3 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/korall-rot/akzent-schwarz" (LCL5 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/Exclusive seam" (LCLZ = yes)
"Leather "Dakota"/schwarz" (LCSW = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.293
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Trim panel, railing right
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric Move/anthracite" (BDAT = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-grau" (BEL1 = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-rot" (BEL2 = yes)
"Sensatec/black/accent red" (KCL3 = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/akzent-rot" (LCL3 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/korall-rot/akzent-schwarz" (LCL5 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/Exclusive seam" (LCLZ = yes)
"Leather "Dakota"/schwarz" (LCSW = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.320
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric Move/anthracite" (BDAT = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-grau" (BEL1 = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-rot" (BEL2 = yes)
"Sensatec/black/accent red" (KCL3 = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/akzent-rot" (LCL3 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/korall-rot/akzent-schwarz" (LCL5 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/Exclusive seam" (LCLZ = yes)
"Leather "Dakota"/schwarz" (LCSW = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.320
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Trim panel, railing left
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/anthracite" (CBAT = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/oyster" (CBDH = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/black" (CBOP = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSM = yes)
"Leather "Dakota/elfenbein-weiss"" (LCEW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCL9 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/sattel-braun/Excl. seam" (LCLX = yes)
"Leather Dakota/veneto-beige/Excl. seam" (LCLY = yes)
"Leather Dakota / Mokka" (LCMY = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCOM = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.293
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/anthracite" (CBAT = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/oyster" (CBDH = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/black" (CBOP = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSM = yes)
"Leather "Dakota/elfenbein-weiss"" (LCEW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCL9 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/sattel-braun/Excl. seam" (LCLX = yes)
"Leather Dakota/veneto-beige/Excl. seam" (LCLY = yes)
"Leather Dakota / Mokka" (LCMY = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCOM = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.293
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Trim panel, railing right
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/anthracite" (CBAT = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/oyster" (CBDH = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/black" (CBOP = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSM = yes)
"Leather "Dakota/elfenbein-weiss"" (LCEW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCL9 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/sattel-braun/Excl. seam" (LCLX = yes)
"Leather Dakota/veneto-beige/Excl. seam" (LCLY = yes)
"Leather Dakota / Mokka" (LCMY = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCOM = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.293
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/anthracite" (CBAT = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/oyster" (CBDH = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/black" (CBOP = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSM = yes)
"Leather "Dakota/elfenbein-weiss"" (LCEW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCL9 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/sattel-braun/Excl. seam" (LCLX = yes)
"Leather Dakota/veneto-beige/Excl. seam" (LCLY = yes)
"Leather Dakota / Mokka" (LCMY = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCOM = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.293
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Support, shoulder, front left
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.342
Old number: ?
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.342
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Support, shoulder, front right
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.342
Old number: ?
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.342
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Funnel, spring strut dome, left
For vehicles with "Fabric Hexagon/Alcantara/anthracite" (HAAT = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.160
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Fabric Hexagon/Alcantara/anthracite" (HAAT = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.160
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Funnel, spring strut dome, right
For vehicles with "Fabric Hexagon/Alcantara/anthracite" (HAAT = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.160
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Fabric Hexagon/Alcantara/anthracite" (HAAT = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.160
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Funnel, spring strut dome, left
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric Move/anthracite" (BDAT = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-grau" (BEL1 = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-rot" (BEL2 = yes)
"Sensatec/black/accent red" (KCL3 = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/akzent-rot" (LCL3 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/korall-rot/akzent-schwarz" (LCL5 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/Exclusive seam" (LCLZ = yes)
"Leather "Dakota"/schwarz" (LCSW = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.160
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric Move/anthracite" (BDAT = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-grau" (BEL1 = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-rot" (BEL2 = yes)
"Sensatec/black/accent red" (KCL3 = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/akzent-rot" (LCL3 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/korall-rot/akzent-schwarz" (LCL5 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/Exclusive seam" (LCLZ = yes)
"Leather "Dakota"/schwarz" (LCSW = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.160
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Funnel, spring strut dome, right
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric Move/anthracite" (BDAT = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-grau" (BEL1 = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-rot" (BEL2 = yes)
"Sensatec/black/accent red" (KCL3 = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/akzent-rot" (LCL3 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/korall-rot/akzent-schwarz" (LCL5 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/Exclusive seam" (LCLZ = yes)
"Leather "Dakota"/schwarz" (LCSW = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.160
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric Move/anthracite" (BDAT = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-grau" (BEL1 = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-rot" (BEL2 = yes)
"Sensatec/black/accent red" (KCL3 = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/akzent-rot" (LCL3 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/korall-rot/akzent-schwarz" (LCL5 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/Exclusive seam" (LCLZ = yes)
"Leather "Dakota"/schwarz" (LCSW = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.160
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Funnel, spring strut dome, left
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/anthracite" (CBAT = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/oyster" (CBDH = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/black" (CBOP = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSM = yes)
"Leather "Dakota/elfenbein-weiss"" (LCEW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCL9 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/sattel-braun/Excl. seam" (LCLX = yes)
"Leather Dakota/veneto-beige/Excl. seam" (LCLY = yes)
"Leather Dakota / Mokka" (LCMY = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCOM = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.160
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/anthracite" (CBAT = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/oyster" (CBDH = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/black" (CBOP = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSM = yes)
"Leather "Dakota/elfenbein-weiss"" (LCEW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCL9 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/sattel-braun/Excl. seam" (LCLX = yes)
"Leather Dakota/veneto-beige/Excl. seam" (LCLY = yes)
"Leather Dakota / Mokka" (LCMY = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCOM = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.160
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Funnel, spring strut dome, right
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/anthracite" (CBAT = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/oyster" (CBDH = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/black" (CBOP = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSM = yes)
"Leather "Dakota/elfenbein-weiss"" (LCEW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCL9 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/sattel-braun/Excl. seam" (LCLX = yes)
"Leather Dakota/veneto-beige/Excl. seam" (LCLY = yes)
"Leather Dakota / Mokka" (LCMY = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCOM = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.160
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/anthracite" (CBAT = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/oyster" (CBDH = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/black" (CBOP = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSM = yes)
"Leather "Dakota/elfenbein-weiss"" (LCEW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCL9 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/sattel-braun/Excl. seam" (LCLX = yes)
"Leather Dakota/veneto-beige/Excl. seam" (LCLY = yes)
"Leather Dakota / Mokka" (LCMY = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCOM = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.160
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Clamp
For vehicles from 11.2016
QTY: 2
Recond. number: ?
Replaceablitity: Retroactively replaceable
Weight: 0.001
Old number: 51167151389
For vehicles from 11.2016
QTY: 2
Recond. number: ?
Replaceablitity: Retroactively replaceable
Weight: 0.001
Old number: 51167151389
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Clip Natur
QTY: 5
Recond. number: ?
Replaceablitity: Retroactively replaceable
Weight: 0.001
Old number: 51430141024
QTY: 5
Recond. number: ?
Replaceablitity: Retroactively replaceable
Weight: 0.001
Old number: 51430141024
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Clip with washer, natur
QTY: 4
Recond. number: ?
Replaceablitity: Retroactively replaceable
Weight: 0.001
Old number: 51473441993
QTY: 4
Recond. number: ?
Replaceablitity: Retroactively replaceable
Weight: 0.001
Old number: 51473441993
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Fillister head screw with collar
QTY: 12
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.004
Old number: ?
QTY: 12
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.004
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Parcel shelf, rear
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Sensatec/veneto-beige" (KCDF = yes)
"Leather "Dakota/veneto-beige"" (LCDF = yes)
"Leather Dakota/veneto-beige/Excl. seam" (LCLY = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 1.832
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Sensatec/veneto-beige" (KCDF = yes)
"Leather "Dakota/veneto-beige"" (LCDF = yes)
"Leather Dakota/veneto-beige/Excl. seam" (LCLY = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 1.832
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Parcel shelf, rear
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/oyster" (CBDH = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCL9 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/sattel-braun/Excl. seam" (LCLX = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 1.832
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Headlining anthracite" (S775A = no)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/oyster" (CBDH = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCL9 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/sattel-braun/Excl. seam" (LCLX = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 1.832
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Parcel shelf, rear
For vehicles with "Fabric Move/anthracite" (BDAT = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-grau" (BEL1 = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-rot" (BEL2 = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/anthracite" (CBAT = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/black" (CBOP = yes)
"Stofff corner/anthrazit/Akzent grau" (CCL1 = yes)
"Stofff corner/anthrazit/Akzent rot" (CCL2 = yes)
"Fabric Hexagon/Alcantara/anthracite" (HAAT = yes)
"Sensatec/black/accent red" (KCL3 = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSM = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSW = yes)
"Sensatec/veneto-beige" (KCV1 = yes)
"Leather "Dakota/elfenbein-weiss"" (LCEW = yes)
"Leath.Dakota/elfenbein-white/acc.oyster" (LCFH = yes)
"Leath.Dakota/veneto-beige/accent oyster" (LCFL = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/akzent-rot" (LCL3 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/korall-rot/akzent-schwarz" (LCL5 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/accent oyster dark" (LCL8 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/sattel-braun/Excl. seam" (LCLX = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/Exclusive seam" (LCLZ = yes)
"Leather Dakota / Mokka" (LCMY = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/contrast blue" (LCNL = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCOM = yes)
"Leather Dakota/cognac/accent brown" (LCRY = yes)
"Leather Dakota/cognac/accent brown" (LCRZ = yes)
"Leather "Dakota"/schwarz" (LCSW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/nacht-blue/accent oyster" (LCTX = yes)
"Leather Dakota venetobeige black" (LCV1 = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 1.832
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Fabric Move/anthracite" (BDAT = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-grau" (BEL1 = yes)
"Fabric Track/anthracite/akzent-rot" (BEL2 = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/anthracite" (CBAT = yes)
"Fabric/leather Breeze/oyster/black" (CBOP = yes)
"Stofff corner/anthrazit/Akzent grau" (CCL1 = yes)
"Stofff corner/anthrazit/Akzent rot" (CCL2 = yes)
"Fabric Hexagon/Alcantara/anthracite" (HAAT = yes)
"Sensatec/black/accent red" (KCL3 = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSM = yes)
"Sensatec/black" (KCSW = yes)
"Sensatec/veneto-beige" (KCV1 = yes)
"Leather "Dakota/elfenbein-weiss"" (LCEW = yes)
"Leath.Dakota/elfenbein-white/acc.oyster" (LCFH = yes)
"Leath.Dakota/veneto-beige/accent oyster" (LCFL = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/akzent-rot" (LCL3 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/korall-rot/akzent-schwarz" (LCL5 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/accent oyster dark" (LCL8 = yes)
"Leather Dakota/sattel-braun/Excl. seam" (LCLX = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/Exclusive seam" (LCLZ = yes)
"Leather Dakota / Mokka" (LCMY = yes)
"Leather Dakota/black/contrast blue" (LCNL = yes)
"Leather Dakota/oyster/accent oyster dark" (LCOM = yes)
"Leather Dakota/cognac/accent brown" (LCRY = yes)
"Leather Dakota/cognac/accent brown" (LCRZ = yes)
"Leather "Dakota"/schwarz" (LCSW = yes)
"Leather Dakota/nacht-blue/accent oyster" (LCTX = yes)
"Leather Dakota venetobeige black" (LCV1 = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 1.832
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Adapter clip
QTY: 2
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.003
Old number: ?
QTY: 2
Recond. number: ?
Weight: 0.003
Old number: ?