
Individual equipment Individual sports seat cover, front ماشین bmw 5

سال تولید: 2013
کد مدل: 5b45e085c98e50980446881ddf9e83a4
مدل: 528i
کد موتور:
نوع موتور: N20
شماره قطعه: 52107982822
نام قطعه: Cover, sports seat, leather
For vehicles with "Sports seat" (S481A = yes)
For vehicles from 07.2013
QTY: 2
Recond. number: ?
Replaceablitity: Not retroactively replaceable
Weight: 1.152
Old number: 52108034529

شماره قطعه: 52107982825
نام قطعه: Cover,backrest,sports seat,leather left
For vehicles with "Sports seat" (S481A = yes)
For vehicles from 07.2013
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Replaceablitity: Not retroactively replaceable
Weight: 1.240
Old number: 52108034530

شماره قطعه: 52107982826
نام قطعه: Cover,backrest,sports seat,leather right
For vehicles with "Sports seat" (S481A = yes)
For vehicles from 07.2013
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?
Replaceablitity: Not retroactively replaceable
Weight: 1.240
Old number: 52108034530

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