
Distance Systems, Cruise Control Radio remote control Radio remote control 1 ماشین bmw 5

سال تولید: 2015
کد مدل: 5efd5979e9d2be76e9ec8a81cb2abc89
مدل: 528i
کد موتور:
نوع موتور: N20
شماره قطعه: 66129284936
نام قطعه: Radio remote control PCA - Modern Line
868 MHZ
QTY: 2
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 28.480
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 66129284937
نام قطعه: Radio remote control PCA - Modern Line
315 MHZ
For vehicles with "Radio frequency 315 MHz" (S876A = yes)
QTY: 2
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 28.480
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 66129284938
نام قطعه: Radio remote control PCA - Modern Line
434 MHZ
For vehicles with "Radio frequency 434 MHz" (S874A = yes)
QTY: 2
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 28.480
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 51217293906
نام قطعه: Slide-in key
For vehicles with "Modern Line" (P7S1A = yes)
For vehicles to 03.2014
QTY: 2
Recond. number: ?
Replaceablitity: Replaceable in both directions
Weight: 12.750
Old number: 51217285970

شماره قطعه: 51210040590
نام قطعه: Set, key with ECU / Modern Line
868 MHZ
For vehicles with "Comfort access" (S322A = no)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 0.500
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 51210040608
نام قطعه: Set, key with ECU / Modern Line
868 MHZ
For vehicles with "Comfort access" (S322A = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 0.500
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 51210040583
نام قطعه: Set, key with ECU / Modern Line
315 MHZ
For vehicles with "Comfort access" (S322A = no)
"Radio frequency 315 MHz" (S876A = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 0.500
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 51210040587
نام قطعه: Set, key with ECU / Modern Line
434 MHZ
For vehicles with "Comfort access" (S322A = no)
"Radio frequency 434 MHz" (S874A = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 0.500
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 51210040605
نام قطعه: Set, key with ECU / Modern Line
434 MHZ
For vehicles with "Comfort access" (S322A = yes)
"Radio frequency 434 MHz" (S874A = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 0.500
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 51210040601
نام قطعه: Set, key with ECU / Modern Line
315 MHZ
For vehicles with "Comfort access" (S322A = yes)
"Radio frequency 315 MHz" (S876A = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 0.500
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 51210040599
نام قطعه: Set, key with ECU / Modern Line
868 MHZ
For vehicles with "Automatic transmission" (S205A = no)
"Sport automatic gearbox" (S2TBA = no)
"Automatic transmission w/ shift paddles" (S2TEA = no)
"Comfort access" (S322A = no)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 0.500
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 51210040617
نام قطعه: Set, key with ECU / Modern Line
868 MHZ
For vehicles with "Automatic transmission" (S205A = no)
"Sport automatic gearbox" (S2TBA = no)
"Automatic transmission w/ shift paddles" (S2TEA = no)
"Comfort access" (S322A = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 0.500
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 51210040614
نام قطعه: Set, key with ECU / Modern Line
434 MHZ
For vehicles with "Automatic transmission" (S205A = no)
"Sport automatic gearbox" (S2TBA = no)
"Automatic transmission w/ shift paddles" (S2TEA = no)
"Comfort access" (S322A = yes)
"Radio frequency 434 MHz" (S874A = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 0.500
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 51210040610
نام قطعه: Set, key with ECU / Modern Line
315 MHZ
For vehicles with "Automatic transmission" (S205A = no)
"Sport automatic gearbox" (S2TBA = no)
"Automatic transmission w/ shift paddles" (S2TEA = no)
"Comfort access" (S322A = yes)
"Radio frequency 315 MHz" (S876A = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 0.500
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 51210040596
نام قطعه: Set, key with ECU / Modern Line
434 MHZ
For vehicles with "Automatic transmission" (S205A = no)
"Sport automatic gearbox" (S2TBA = no)
"Automatic transmission w/ shift paddles" (S2TEA = no)
"Comfort access" (S322A = no)
"Radio frequency 434 MHz" (S874A = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 0.500
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 51210040592
نام قطعه: Set, key with ECU / Modern Line
315 MHZ
For vehicles with "National version Korea" (L802A = no)
"Automatic transmission" (S205A = no)
"Sport automatic gearbox" (S2TBA = no)
"Automatic transmission w/ shift paddles" (S2TEA = no)
"Comfort access" (S322A = no)
"Radio frequency 315 MHz" (S876A = yes)
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 0.500
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 71239163046
نام قطعه: Label "Key Memory"
For vehicles to 03.2014
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 0.001
Old number: ?

شماره قطعه: 61319217643
نام قطعه: Battery
CR2450 3V
For vehicles to 03.2014
QTY: 1
Recond. number: ?

Weight: 0.007
Old number: ?

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