Retrofitting / conversion / accessories Load edge protector ماشین bmw 5
سال تولید: 2011
کد مدل: cb91930104a754e8f1cdf818ec848d52
مدل: 535i
کد موتور:
نوع موتور: N55

شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Loading edge protective film,transparent
For vehicles with "Sports package" (P336A = no)
"M Sports package" (P337A = no)
"Aerodynamics package" (P7ARA = no)
"M Sports package II" (S338A = no)
"M Aerodynamics package" (S715A = no)
"Aerodynamics package" (S716A = no)
"Aerodynamics package" (S7ARA = no)
QTY: 1
Not suitable for M aerodyn. package "*****"
"Not suitable for aerodyn. package"
Weight: 0.050
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Sports package" (P336A = no)
"M Sports package" (P337A = no)
"Aerodynamics package" (P7ARA = no)
"M Sports package II" (S338A = no)
"M Aerodynamics package" (S715A = no)
"Aerodynamics package" (S716A = no)
"Aerodynamics package" (S7ARA = no)
QTY: 1
Not suitable for M aerodyn. package "*****"
"Not suitable for aerodyn. package"
Weight: 0.050
Old number: ?