Retrofitting / conversion / accessories Set of high-grade steel pedal covers ماشین bmw 7
سال تولید: 2006
کد مدل: d4e9e1a8f05f6883bb5061d6a9629584
مدل: 740Li
کد موتور:
نوع موتور: N62N

شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Set, stainless-steel pedals, automatic
For vehicles with "Steptronic" (S202A = yes)
"Automatic transmission" (S205A = yes)
"Sequential manual transmission (SMG)" (S206A = yes)
"Sport automatic gearbox" (S2TBA = yes)
"Sport gearbox with twin clutch" (S2TCA = yes)
"Automatic transm. with w/ twin clutch" (S2TDA = yes)
QTY: 1
Weight: 0.684
Old number: ?
For vehicles with "Steptronic" (S202A = yes)
"Automatic transmission" (S205A = yes)
"Sequential manual transmission (SMG)" (S206A = yes)
"Sport automatic gearbox" (S2TBA = yes)
"Sport gearbox with twin clutch" (S2TCA = yes)
"Automatic transm. with w/ twin clutch" (S2TDA = yes)
QTY: 1
Weight: 0.684
Old number: ?
شماره قطعه:
قطعه: Cleaner R2
QTY: 1
Replaceablitity: Replaceable in both directions
Weight: 0.450
Old number: 83192243942
QTY: 1
Replaceablitity: Replaceable in both directions
Weight: 0.450
Old number: 83192243942